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We follow major holidays on the Cobb County School Calendar for closings. Please review our studio calendar for a full list of closed dates. If you attend school outside of Cobb County, please let us know if your child will be missing class. They are welcome to make up their missed class in another class.



Our staff is available to answer any questions you may have during office hours. If you need to speak with your child’s teacher, and/or the Studio Owner, please call or email the front desk to set up an appointment. The Studio Owner, Heather Moffitt, will have posted office hours each week to meet with students and parents. In order provide top quality instruction and ensure that all students have their full class time, teachers do not have time to meet or answer questions in between classes. You may ask the front desk for assistance and/or reach us at info@integrity360dancecenter or 770-763-8525. You can also text us at 855-763-8525.



We follow Cobb County’s decisions on inclement weather school closures. However, please use your own judgment when deciding to travel to the studio during severe weather. We will confirm our closing via email, social media posts, and text message (if you are opted in) to confirm our closing when inclement weather affects Integrity 360 Dance Center. All classes missed due to inclement weather may be made up in a similar class on our existing class schedule.



If a dancer misses class due to illness or other personal reasons, they can make up the missed class in a similar class. Please see the front desk for a list of similar classes. There will be no discounts or refunds given for missed classes. There are no make-up classes for classes missed due to holiday closures, etc. All classes missed due to inclement weather may be made up at your convenience in a similar class. If the studio is forced to physically close due to COVID-19 exposure or state mandates, we will continue to offer class via ZOOM. There will be no refunds for classes that are transitioned online.



We require a 30-day written notice via email if you need to withdraw from Integrity 360 Dance Center. Please email with your intent to terminate your enrollment at least 30 days prior to the date of discontinuation. You must receive a confirmation email from an Integrity 360 Dance Center staff member acknowledging receipt of the notice for the withdrawal to be finalized. Any verbal notification to an instructor or staff member will not suffice as proper withdrawal. After the 30-day notice, we will terminate your monthly installment, or, if a full year was paid, we will refund the remaining installments minus 10%. You will be responsible for payments until the written notice is received. This withdrawal policy remains in effect even if we have a shelter in place mandate from federal, state or local government. 


In the event of a shelter in place, classes will convert to virtual classes and instruction will continue. There may be an approximate one-week transition period from the date of the shelter in place order until virtual classes begin in order to allow us to implement our action plan. This brief time, if needed, will be treated as inclement weather days, meaning your dancer can choose a convenient make-up class from an appropriate class on our schedule. No refunds will be given for this week. Please call or email to sign up for your make-up class. Remember that a 30-day written notice will still be required for withdrawal.



Promptness and regular attendance are important in each student's progress. Attendance is especially critical as dancers are learning their performance routines for the annual spring production. Excessive absences can result in the dancer not being prepared for the performance and can also adversely affect the entire class. Please see our inclement weather and makeup class policies for information specific to those situations.



Please do not drop-off your dancers more than 15 minutes prior to the start time of their class unless you have made special arrangements in advance with the front desk. Please pick-up your dancers within 15 minutes of the end of their class time. Excessive tardiness to pick up your dancer may result in additional fees unless special arrangements were made in advance. Integrity 360 Dance Center does not accept responsibility for children who leave the premises unattended. For safety reasons, students must remain inside the building when waiting for their rides. We will not allow students to wait in the parking lot area or outside the building.



Any student or parent posting negative comments on social media platforms will be subject to probation and possible dismissal from Integrity 360 Dance Center. As a student and representative of Integrity 360 Dance Center, dancers and their parents are expected to uphold a level of respect to the business, their peers, and themselves. The student and parents will be required to have a conference with the Studio Owner, and in some cases the instructor, to determine next steps.


Students and parents are expected to treat instructors, peers, and other students’ parents with utmost respect at all times. If any students or parents speak with another student or parent disrespectfully, send inappropriate text messages, or post inappropriate comments on social media, they will be subject to dismissal from the studio at the discretion of the Studio Owner. There is zero tolerance for bullying at Integrity 360 Dance Center.



Students must meet age requirements for a class by September 1. Students wishing to enroll in a level outside of their age or level bracket must be evaluated for level placement. Parents should contact the office to schedule an evaluation prior to registration. Level placement is determined by Integrity 360 Dance Center faculty and all registrations will be reviewed and are subject to change if a student is enrolled in a class(es) that are not age or level appropriate



  • No parents, friends, or siblings are allowed in the classroom at any time. We have this policy in place to allow your dancer to progress without distractions and keep their complete attention on class.

  • Students may not leave class without the teacher’s permission except in an emergency.

  • Cell phones and smart watches are not allowed during class. These items must be kept in the dancer’s bag and turned off or left at home. Integrity 360 Dance Center does not assume responsibility for lost watches, jewelry, or cell phones.

  • Students are required to follow the dress code for all their classes. Please see the Dress Code listing on our website for further details.

  • Dancers are not allowed to talk or hang on ballet barres in class at any time.

  • There will be no touching the mirrors.

  • There will be no food, gum, or beverages except water allowed in the dance studios.

  • Students are responsible for taking their water bottles or other items out of the dance room at the completion of class(es). Integrity 360 Dance Center will not be responsible for any items left behind.

  • The teacher and peers will be treated with the utmost respect at all times. Teachers will be properly thanked after each class.

  • Students may not wear jewelry to class including necklaces, bracelets, watches, rings, dangle earrings, or anklets. Dancers may wear studs/posts in their ears and medical alert bracelets where necessary.

  • Students must be attentive to their teachers’ instructions and alert to all corrections given to them and the other students in class.

  • Disruptive or rude behavior from a student during class or between classes will result in the student being dismissed from class. The dismissed student’s parent/guardian will be notified via phone call to pick up the student immediately. No refunds or make-up classes are given for behavioral dismissals.

  • Students are required to respect their environment and space by properly disposing of trash and picking up after themselves. Dancers are requested to keep their belongings in their bags. Any items left at the end of the day are put in lost and found. Before holidays and at the end of the year, lost and found items will be donated.



  • All dancers must sign in with the front desk for attendance to ensure the utmost security.

  • Children must always be accompanied by a parent or guardian unless they are in class.

  • Running and yelling inside the building are not allowed at any time.

  • PreSchool and Kindergarten dancer parents: Please take your child to the restroom BEFORE class to prevent any accidents and minimize class disruptions.

  • The use of alcohol, cigarettes, illegal substances, and weapons is strictly forbidden at Integrity 360 Dance Center or anywhere on the dance studio’s property. Students in violation will be dismissed immediately.



Please see our ANNUAL CONCERT page



Please see our dress code page for the link to purchase your dress code apparel and shoes.

little ballerinas dancing at a barre
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