1/6 page ad in our Spring Concert program
Listed as a sponsor on our website
1 social media shout out
1/4 page ad in our Spring Concert program
Listed as a sponsor on our website
Bi-Yearly Social Media shout out (2)
Stage Shout Out at Winter Performance
1/2 page ad in our Spring Concert program
Listed as a sponsor on our website
3 Social Media shout outs
Stage Shout Out at Winter Performance and Spring Concert
Small Logo on sales table in the lobby at our Spring Concert (12” x 12” size)
Full page ad in our Spring Concert program
Listed as a sponsor on our website
Spotlight in our Quarterly Newsletter - sent to 300+ contacts
Quarterly Social Media shout outs (4)
Stage Shout Out at Winter Performance and Spring Concert
Medium Logo on sales table in the lobby at our Spring Concert (18” x 24”)
Full page ad in the Spring Concert program
Listed as a sponsor on our website
Spotlight in our Quarterly Newsletter - sent to 300+ contacts
Quarterly Social Media Shout Outs (4)
Stage Shout Out at Winter Performance and Spring Concert
Custom Sponsorship Certificate to Display in your Business
Two complimentary front row seats to Winter Performance and the Spring Concert
Provide a flyer for your business to include in Welcome Folders that are given to all new students
Large logo on sales table in the lobby at our Spring Concert (24" x 36")